I have been trying to learn to use this calculator but I dont carry mine with me. I end up grabbing my iPhone and using the standard calc app for quick calculations. Thank you for this app! Now I never have to use the regular calc app again.
I have been trying to learn to use this calculator but I dont carry mine with me. I end up grabbing my iPhone and using the standard calc app for quick calculations. Thank you for this app! Now I never have to use the regular calc app again.
Need the support for iphone 5
A REAL rip-off. This is NOT the real HP 12c! Lacks most of the keys. Most of the keys do NOT even come up. So sorry I even down loaded it. $ thrown out the window. Who do I contact to correct/cancel this order? DMc
This app is the closest thing to the real HP12C. My only complaint is the goofy key click sound. The key clicks can be turned off, but I would prefer to have some audible feed back.
As a long time 12c user, I was very frustrated that the pictured calculator in the app store was different than the downloaded calculator . I am quite familiar with both and not happy with one that was downloaded.
Great app. Must use opposite signs for PV and PMT, one + and one -. Same as original calculator.
Wish there was an update to fix this!!!
I acquired the HP 12C Financial calculator before computers and cell phones. I learned how to use it and it has helped to guide my financial decisions for many years. I attribute my financial well being in retirement with using this calculator for all those years. I was excited when I saw it was available as an iPhone app. At $14.99 it is the most expensive app I have ever purchased, but probably one quarter of what I paid for the original hand held calculator. It has paid for itself 10,000 times over! I am glad to be able to carry it with me everywhere and will teach my grandchildren how to use it.
It doesnt work with iOS 7.
Works just like my 12c. Just use landscape mode. Price is steep, but its a good backup if I dont have my calculator with me.
Support for iOS 7, support for iPhone 5, support for iPad with Retina display.
I just paid $15 for the HP12C App and it wont work on my IPad like the Developer says it does!
Regardless of whether or not landscape lock is on or off, the screen stays locked in portrait mode.
Bond calculations not accurate!!!????
Not fully functional. Tried modification in settings. So disappointed. No recourse within site. A total loss.
This is the ticket. I sometimes think RPN is particular to lefties. No learning curve unless you are right minded (pun intended). I started with an HP41C back in the eighties. OK, I will admit it - the logic used in the operation of "normal" calculators drives me crazy. Thank you HP for providing the 12C for the iPad. Lots of Fish
I have used the HP12C app for some time and was always pleased with it. Now, I have the problem of not being able to use the landscape mode even after trying to lock it in landscape mode in settings. I can use my photo app in landscape mode so feel it is not the iphone thats the problem. Anyone know a solution to this?? I would rate it a 5 if it still worked like it used to.
Not only that but the version says 1.1 not 2.01. What’s wrong HP? I refuse to pay for this and will decline the charge.
Fix the key clicks. Ive got them turned off in Settings but I still want a click with an adjustable sound level separate from the master ring volume. Do that and the rating is a 5.
Needs a fix to allow it to go landscape on iPhone 5. Only displays portrait.